July 20th, 2017: The Grand Opening of the Tokyo Smoke Flagship Store welcomed its doors to the public. Located in Toronto’s Queen West neighborhood, the cafe features a wide array of coffee, snacks, and cannabis accessories. The brand says on their website that it is catered to the sophisticated smokers.
Signage welcoming their grand opening: The exterior was pretty classy and hip-looking. The sun was shining on us as the rain stopped. Yay!
Stepping inside the cafe, I was quite impressed. The store was neatly organized and well designed. I noticed there was a lot more space than the original R2 Cafe that Tokyo Smoke took over. There are now extra tables in front of the counter and a huge table in the back for larger groups. The back of the cafe also features an art gallery with a quiet space for you to read and work.
The menu consists of their own Tokyo Smoke coffee and snacks. Items such as juice, sandwiches, and cookies can also be found. I put in my name and email while ordering to receive a get a free espresso or rolling paper.
I decided my free gift would be the espresso while Jess opted for the papers designed by a local artist Song Dahae.
While waiting for my coffee, I took a walk around and browsed some of their products. Along the walls was a combination of their own products and curated products, including Marley Naturals, Genius Pipe, Pax, Van Der Pop and a few others. It was clear they were focusing on curating high-end quality items.
While browsing, the storefront staff, Adam, came over to see if I had any questions. He was kind enough to share some insights on their products. Very friendly and informative. Say Cheese!
The brand mentions on their website that they will be offering their own cannabis products in the near future. Inside the cafe, you can see some of their featured packagings.
My coffee was ready; I asked if I could take a snap! The counter staff was super chill and wasn’t intimidated by me sticking a camera and big-ass lens in their face. Thank you!
Jess taking a look at their smell-proof smoke bags.
They also have their own branded clothing. You can find them here: https://ca.tokyosmoke.com/collections/clothing
The new flagship store was a pleasant upgrade of the previous cafe. Spacious, well-designed and very detailed. They combined two of my daily vices: coffee and cannabis. The cafe was unique of its kind, as we witness the birth of cannabis-related businesses in midst of the legalization movement in Canada.
More can be found out at Tokyo Smoke’s Website: www.tokyosmoke.com
The flagship store can be found at: 668 Queen St West, Toronto Ontario
Check out our YouTube video to take a peek inside the store: